Laser cut acrylic letters surpass other
acrylic letters and logos by a mile. Our letters start with its own impact modified, extruded acrylic, in gauges
up to 1/2" thick in over 32 different colors. This means the color is through and through the entire letter assuring no more
unsightly scratches, chips, or blemishes that can occur in a painted finish. Our 1000W lasers polish the edge return of all
letters and logos as it cuts through the material, also providing a superior finish for your customer. Our acrylic products
are designed for outdoor use, but beautiful enough for indoor or in any application where precision is required.




DOUBLE FACE TAPE Add 40% to the listed price. Tape is 3M #4930
– 25 mil. Tape for use in most applications. You will need to verify if this works for your application.